Building Department
The Building Department is responsible for the enforcement of the applicable building codes for various aspects of Commercial and Residential construction. This includes a plan review as required, inspections of work performed under permit, and registration of all contractors performing work.
2024 Ohio Building, Mechanical, & Plumbing Code Update
At its meeting on August 11, 2023, the Ohio Board of Building Standards adopted the 2024 Ohio Building (OBC), Mechanical (OMC) and Plumbing (OPC) rules by incorporating by reference the 2021 edition of the international Codes (I-Codes) published by the International Code Council (ICC) with Ohio Amendments with an effective date of March 1, 2024.
For more information: Ohio Department of Commerce Board of Building Standards.
Any person or entity making application for a building permit or registering as a contractor may do so by using the links above to access our online portal. We encourage building permits and contractor registration to be processed online. Building permit applications and contractor registration can also be accepted by mail or drop off at the Parma Heights Building Department.
Building Permit Applications
- New Construction
- Additions/Alterations
- Windows/Doors/Siding
- Above Ground Pool/In Ground/Temporary Pool/Hot Tub
- Shed
- Deck/Porch/Gazebo
- Roof
- Fence
- Concrete/Asphalt
- Electrical
- Mechanical HVAC
- Plumbing with commercial fee schedule
- Plumbing with residential fee schedule
- Sign
- Garage
- Contractor Registration
Any person or entity filing a civil case in any court for the purpose of foreclosing on any commercial, residential, institutional or any other property in the City of Parma Heights shall within ten (10) days after the filing date, register the action and property with the Director of Public Service and pay the fee, as set forth in Chapter 634 of the Parma Heights Codified Ordinances.
Click here for: Foreclosure Filing Form
An owner, agent or party in control of vacant property shall register the vacant property with the Director of Public Service on City forms and pay the fee, as set in Chapter 634 of Parma Heights Codified Ordinances.
Click here for: Vacant Property Registration
Every business in the city, whether wholesale, retail, manufacture or service for which public patronage of any nature is sought from any building, store, place or office must be licensed with the Public Service and Building Department.
Click here for: Commerical Business Application
Parma Heights Zoning Map
How long does it take to get a permit?
The length of time will vary depending upon the scope of the work. However, we strive to be as efficient as possible.
Why is a permit required?
A permit is necessary to ensure the work is done correctly and in accordance with the Building Codes. Reminder: If processing a permit through the mail – please remember to include a self-addressed STAMPED envelope for us to return the permit to you. Thank you.
What if I am using a contractor that is not registered?
All contractors must be registered with the City of Parma Heights before a permit can be issued.
Can I get a homeowners permit?
A homeowners permit means you are doing the work yourself – a contractor is not being used.
Why do I need an inspection?
Inspections are required to make sure the job is being done correctly.
Home Heritage Program
Eligible homeowners will receive an introductory letter from Mayor Gallo.
The Heritage Home Program is available to owners of Parma Heights homes that are 50 years and older.
Specialists working for the Program answer home maintenance and rehab questions and provide an impartial opinion – one that doesn’t include trying to sell a product or service. This advice is absolutely FREE. This component of the Heritage Home Program is what sets it apart from other programs of its kind. Now any homeowner wishing to do work on their older home can have the help and answers they need in order to get the project done properly.
We urge you to take advantage of the following FREE services:
- Site visits to answer home repair, improvement and maintenance questions.
- Advice about increasing energy efficiency.
- Contractor Resources
- Evaluation of contractor bids and estimates.
Qualified homeowners also have the option of obtaining a low-interest, fixed-rate Heritage Home Program loan, with rates as low as 2.0% for up to 15 years! There are no maximum income restrictions. The owner just needs to have good credit and sufficient equity in the home to support the loan. There are no points involved with the Heritage Home Program loan and the interest is tax deductible!
Eligible Projects include:
- Exterior and interior painting
- Kitchen and bath improvements
- Compatible additions
- Roof repair and replacement
- Basement waterproofing
- Window repair
- Masonry repair
- Insulation
- HVAC upgrades
- And much, much more!
The Heritage Home Program loan is available for owners of residential properties of three units or less, regardless of whether the owner resides at the property. Homeowners receive custom construction specifications for exterior projects and Heritage Home Program staff is available from project start to finish! Learn more or get started by contacting the Heritage Program.
Call: 216.426.3116
Email: [email protected]
Contact Information
Monday – Friday:
9:00am – 4:30pm
Department Location:
Parma Heights City Hall
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, OH 44130
Phone: (440) 884-9607
Fax: (440) 843-5818
Robert P. Sepik,
Service Director
Renee Overstreet,
Public Works Coordinator
Stephanie Gebhard
(440) 884-9607
Flo Zimmerman
(440) 884-9600 ext. 5704
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Phone Numbers
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.