Active Threat Response
With active threat incidents becoming more prevalent in our society, it is best to be prepared on how to react to an active threat. The Parma Heights Police Department offers to businesses, churches, schools, and other companies the ability to be trained for an active threat situation to ensure the safety of their staff, patrons, employees, and other community members.
The PHPD has already begun training local schools and businesses in the community. The officers assigned to the training will come into your workplace and help with a number of safety and security concerns. Listed below are some of the concerns covered by the training program:
-How to respond to an Active Threat
-Understand the principles of Run. Hide. Fight.
-How to respond when Law Enforcement arrives
-Components and/or creation of an Emergency Action Plan
-A Training exercise with your staff and/or the police department
-Facility management (i.e. security system, keys, floor plans, first aid kits)
-Recognizing potential work place violence
The ability to keep our community safe and well-prepared for the most dangerous scenarios is one of our department’s top priorities. Learning and understanding the concepts of an active threat is highly important.
The training that is offered begins with an in-service training on active threats and concepts and then progresses into a training exercise. Officers can come in and speak with your business, church, or school throughout the year. At the end of the training, your business, church, or school will receive a certificate of training in the principles of Run. Hide. Fight. as taught by the Parma Heights Police Department.
To learn more about the program and to get your school, business, or church trained contact Sergeant Vinkler at [email protected] or Patrolman Fischer at [email protected] . You may also reach them at the Parma Heights Police Department at 440.884.1235. More details about the program will be explained and what training you are looking for your company.
Animal Control Officer
The City of Parma Heights has a Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control Officer also works at the City of Brooklyn. The Animal Control Officer works Monday through Friday. All loose dogs found in Parma Heights will be brought over to the Brooklyn Animal Shelter if the owners cannot be identified. The Animal Control Officer will handle loose dogs, barking dogs, stray cats, and other miscellaneous complaints and issues. You can reach the Animal Control Officer at [email protected] or 216-635-4291.
Are You Okay?
The Parma Heights Police Department offers a free program for the safety of our residents. Only seniors, shut-ins and disabled persons who reside in the City of Parma Heights are eligible to participate. The program is totally free and confidential. The Are You Okay? program uses a computer that will call you at a time specified by you each day. The computer will call you and once it hears you answer the phone, it will know that you are okay. Should you have an answering machine or voice mail, the computer will ask you to push a button on your touch-tone phone in order to ascertain that you are okay. If you do not answer the phone or your line is busy, the computer will call you back within a half-hour. If you do not answer the second time, the police dispatcher will be notified and will attempt to call you and your contact relatives or friends to see if they know where you might be. If these attempts are unsuccessful, an officer will be dispatched to your home to check on you. We will also attempt to make contact with your listed key-holder so that we may enter the home to see if you are in distress.
If this program interests you, please fill out an application and mail it to:
Parma Heights Police Dept.
Are You Okay? Program
6184 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130
You are asked to provide the name and phone number of a friend or relative who lives nearby, preferably one who has a key to your residence. The information you provide will be kept in confidence at the police station. It will not be used for any other purpose or given to anyone. You are also asked to specify a time for your daily call. The computer is only capable of making calls at the top of the hour (ex. 8:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.). The computer begins making calls at 4:00 a.m. and ends at 10:00 p.m. every day and you may choose any time you wish. Additionally, you may have more than one call a day, one call in the morning and one in the evening. If so, just list the additional time on your application.
If you have any questions, please call the Parma Heights Police Department at 440-884-1234.
Register Your Security Camera
Are you are interested in registering your privately owned security camera with the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Crime Strategies Unit? If so, please click this link to access their site: Security Camera Mapping
The Parma Heights Police Department seeks to keep updated contact information for all businesses in the event of emergencies or crimes committed at your location. Please complete our Security Information Form and return it to the Parma Heights Police Department.
Deer Management
The City of Parma Heights has a deer managment program to help manage the number of deer in the City. The City of Parma Heights Deer Managment goal is to annually assess the impacts of deer in our community and use that assessment to make management decisions to keep the deer population under cultural carry capacities so that negative impacts from deer are minimized within the City.
If you are interested in being put on a list for harvesting deer from the program, please call the Parma Heights Service Department at 440.884.9607.
Fingerprints/Background Checks
The Parma Heights Police Department does not provide fingerprinting or BCI background webchecks. The State of Ohio Attorney General’s Office upgraded the state system that supports background checks with FBI Standrds. The office recommends that your visit Webcheck for locations.
Prescription Drop Box
The Parma Heights Police Department has a secure drop off box for medication that are unused or has expired. The location of the drop box is in the lobby of the police station. No needles or liquids, only pills are accepted. Place unused prescriptions in a bag before placing them in the drop box.
Retrieve Property
What do I do when I know my property can be released?
- Contact the property room officer at the Parma Heights Police Station during normal business hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at 440-253-2016 so that you can make an appointment to retrieve your property.
- Email [email protected] to schedule an apppintment to retrieve your property.
- Upon release, you will have to come to the Parma Heights Police Station in person, provide identification, and sign paperwork that you are taking ownership of returned items.
- The Parma Heights Police Department roughly takes in 1200 to 1600 pieces of property a year so it is helpful to have certain information: the date your property was seized and the police report or incident number
How do I retrieve my property that was held or seized as evidence?
- You can call the case Officer (Detective) assigned to inquire if your property can be returned and if so, when
- You can call the property room officer
- As your case is being processed through the courts you can ask the court to release your items. If granted, you will have to provide court documentation that can be verified before anything is actually released.
- In some cases, you may have to file a Replevin Motion with the court asking a Judge to authorize the release of your items. If granted, you will have to provide court documentation that can be verified before anything is actually released.
- If you were a victim of a crime where your property was stolen and you were notified by a Detective that your property has been recovered, you can ask that Detective if your property is still needed for the case or if you may have it returned to you
What if my bicycle was stolen? Have the Police found it? How do I recover it?
You will need:
- The date you reported it missing
- The make of the bicycle (i.e. Huffy, Schwinn, etc.)
- The model of the bicycle
- The color(s) of the bicycle and/or distinctive markings
- The serial number always helps
What if I find property I believe someone has lost?
- If you cannot find the owner you can turn the item(s) into the Parma Heights Police Station. An officer will be assigned to assist you and to attempt to find the rightful owner.
- Items you turn in where no owner is identified can be released to the finder after 30 days otherwise these items will be disposed of after 90 days
Mental Health & Addiction Services
Whether you are trying to help a friend, a loved or yourself through an addiction or a mental health issue knowing where to look can be difficult. Below are a few resources that can help get you started.
National Resources
Website Online Therapy: Better Help
Website: Veteran’s Crisis Line
Dial: 988, press 1 Text 838255
Website: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Dial: 988 Text: 988
State Resources
Website: National Alliance on Mental Ohio
Website: Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Website: Ohio Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Local Resources
ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County
Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services
2012 W. 25th St., Cleveland, OH 44113
24-hour Crisis Hotline: 216.623.6888
McIntyre Center
Mental Health and Addiction resources
6929 W. 130th St., Parma Hts., OH 44130
McIntyre Center
MetroHealth Recovery Resources
Locations in Lakewood, Parma, Old Brooklyn
Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
Parma Heights ADA Disability Form
The City of Parma Heights has teamed up with Krista Allison, Miss Wheelchair Ohio 2022, in an effort to aid safety forces during times of crisis. Krista has created a way for residents to share information about friends, family or relatives within their household who are living with some form of disability. Below is the voluntary form being implemented within the City of Parma Heights. Should there be any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the Parma Heights Fire Department at 440-885-1717 or the Parma Heights Police Department at 440-884-1234. Parma Heights ADA Disability Form
Sexual Harrasment
Have you or do you know someone that has been a victim of sexual harassment or assault? To find out more information on the steps to take and resources available Sexual Assault Guide
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Phone Numbers
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.