Finance Department
Finance Department:
The Director of Finance serves as the chief fiscal officer of the city, and as such develops estimates of revenue for the fiscal year, and works with the Mayor and the Directors of each operational department to develop expenditure needs for the current year; which are incorporated into an annual budget presented to the City Council for their consideration and adoption. The Director of Finance is responsible to monitor progress of the adopted budget and recommend modifications as necessary throughout the fiscal year. The Director of Finance is charged with reviewing and certifying that expenditures fall within the expenditure limits set by the adopted budget.
The Finance Department under the direction of the Finance Director is responsible for the accurate accounting of all receipts, disbursements, assets, liabilities, and other financial record keeping for the City of Parma Heights. The Finance Department also prepares payroll, processes accounts payable, maintains city investments and tracks fixed assets of the city. The Finance Department represents the city in all financial matters and abides by all mandates governing proper fiscal controls.
No Surprises Act Legislation ( link
Contact Information:
Monday – Friday:
9:00am – 4:30pm
Katie Iaconis
Finance Director
Assistant Finance Director
Michelle Kolesar
Accounts Payable Clerk
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Phone Numbers
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.