Chief Steven Greene
Police Chief
On this page, you will find various links and resources. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact my office at [email protected] or 440-885-3881. For calls of non-emergency nature please call 440-884-1234.
Parma Heights Police Department
Our department strives to provide the best public service by offering timely, accurate and exceptional response to your complaints and calls for assistance. The PHPD consist of 48 members including the Chief, Chief’s Assistant, Captain, 8 Sergeants, 3 Detectives, 20 Patrol Officers, 1 Animal Control Officer, 1 School Resource Officer, 1 K-9, 2 Full Time Civilian Staff and 5 Part Time Civilian Staff, and 3 Auxiliary Officers.
Accident Reports – Public Records
Safety Concerns & Crime Prevention
Facebook: Parma Heights Police Department
Do not use email or Facebook when an officer is needed or your question requires a timely response, as neither are regularly monitored. For an immediate response, call PRDC at 440.884.1234
Entry Level Packet
The Parma Heights Police Department is hiring and will be accepting Entry Level Applications during the following NTN testing windows:
- Wednesday, January 1st, 2025, to Sunday February 16th, 2025
- Tuesday, July 1st, 2025, to Sunday August 17th, 2025
- Applications must be completed through the National Testing Network. Please follow the directions in the packet above and on the NTN site posting regarding application/document requirements; a birth certificate, proof of U.S. citizenship (if applicable), driver license, high school diploma/GED certificate, and any extra credit documents (military discharge, OPOTA certificate, W2 showing two years prior law enforcement experience, college diploma/degree) MUST be attached to the NTN profile.
- Every component of the NTN profile, including the Personal History Questionnaire and Personal Information tabs, as well as the Public Safety Self-Assessment (PSSA) score must be completed before the test window closes.
Lateral Transfer Packet
The Parma Heights Police Department is hiring and is now accepting Lateral Transfer Applications indefinitely.
- No application fees.
Applications can be e-mailed to, mailed to, or dropped off at our department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Applications will be kept on file for a year, there is NO DUE DATE.
School Zone Safety Notice
All schools in the City of Parma Heights will be back in session on September 3, 2024. Be aware of school zone speed limits. The speed limit is 20 mph for all school zones while the school zone flashing lights are active. The City of Parma Heights has installed speed detection photo cameras in SCHOOL ZONES ONLY. Photo cameras are only active during listed school zone times.
School Zones with flashing lights, and the times those lights are active.
Greenbriar Middle School (Huffman Road)- 7:30am to 8:15am and 2:30pm to 3:15pm
Incarnate Word Academy (Pearl Road)- 7:00am to 8:15am and 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Constellation School (Pearl Road) – 7:45am to 8:30am and 3:15pm to 4:00pm
Valley Forge High School (Independence Road & York Road)- 6:50am to 7:40am and 2:00pm to 2:45pm
Summit Academy (Stumph Road)- 7:20am to 8:15am and 3:00pm to 3:45pm
All information on how to pay your fine or request a hearing in Parma Municipal Court will be included with the citation.
Contact Us
Parma Heights Police Department
6184 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130
General: 440-481-3100
Dispatch: 440-884-1234
Fax: 440-884-1609
Email: [email protected]
Chief of Police
Steven Greene
Assistant to the Chief
Sonya Short
Detective Bureau
Fax: 440-842-1029
Fax: 440-884-1609

City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Phone Numbers
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.