Community & Economic Development
The Parma Heights Master Plan is a vision for our future, a road map to make Parma Heights an even better place to live, work, shop and play!
Parma Heights Urban Tree Canopy Enhancement Program
What is a Tree Canopy and Why It’s So Important
Basically, a tree canopy is the cover provided by the branches and leaves of a tree or a group of trees. It is measured by how much of the ground you can see when you look down from above- for example, the view of the ground you get from a drone: the less you can see of the ground because of tree branches and leaves, the better.
Why is this important? There are many reasons but the most immediate in an urban environment might be that trees absorbs a large amount of water and help to control flooding. The denser the tree canopy, the less water reaches the ground.
Another reason relates directly to the first: homes and businesses that are free from flooding have higher values.
Add to that, the fact that trees are beautiful, offer shade, create the oxygen that we breather, provide shelter to birds and other animals… the list goes on and on. For an in-dept look at the benefits tree canopies provide- Canopy: What It Is and Why It’s Important
Parma Heights Tree Board
Chairperson – Joseph E. Sebes, Grant Administrator
Board Member – Robert P. Sepik, Director of Public Service
Board Member – Madison Bacci, Director of Recreation
Board Member – Renee Overstreet, Public Works Coordinator
Board Member – Richard Sidoti, Tree Division Consultant
Administrative Assistant – Christine Hnat
Since tree canopy health is a citywide issue touching on various aspects of community life, the current administration has appointed directors from four areas of the administration, with an emphasis on Public Service (as the Tree Division is ultimately responsible for the planting and maintenance of all city trees), to serve.
The Board meets after the Mayor’s Directors Meeting, every other week as issues arise.
Our overall goal is to have a tree canopy in Parma Heights that is resistant to disease, diverse and beautiful!
Parma Heights Master Tree Plan Update
In 2023, the city contracted with Board Certified Arborist Alan R. Siewert of Bur Oak, LLC to update our Tree Master Plan which was in effect for over 40 years. Over the decades, many changes had taken place, including but not exclusive to, an increase in general forestry knowledge, development of new species, and the devastation of invasive insects like the Emerald Ash Borer. These changes made it clear that a new, updated Master Tree Plan was needed.
The Updated Tree Master Plan was completed in January, 2024. The new plan is based on a street by street, site by site, analysis of the city called an Urban Site Index which was also conducted by Mr. Siewert as a preliminary to the Master Plan.
Click here to view the Updated Master Tree Plan
In conclusion, the entirety of the City of Parma Heights lies within the Cuyahoga River Area of Concern and in the Cleveland Metroparks Secondary Center Ecosite – so attention to our tree canopy is vital not just to our city but to NE Ohio as well!
Our community has been proud to be a member of Tree City USA for over 33 years, and most recently, the city has been the recipient of a Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant from the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission in 2021, 2022, and again in 2023.
Additional Important Tree Information Links:
Taking Care of Your Tree Lawn Tree
Ordinance 1965-29: City Tree Master Plan
Ordinance #1996-3: Establishing Position of Arborist/Tree Consultant
Ordinance 2005-10 Storm Water Management, Sediment, and Erosion Control and Wetlands Protection
Contact Information
Joseph E. Sebes, Grant Administrator
Christine Hnat, Administrative Assistant

Fair Housing
An Important Message on Fair Housing:
For over forty years, the official position of the City of Parma Heights on Fair Housing is that we are a community that is open and accessible to any and all persons without exception or exclusion.
Our first Fair Housing resolution was adopted in 1968. In 1996, the City adopted a Fair Housing Ordinance, which strengthened the original Resolution. The Ordinance was updated in December, 2011.
The Fair Housing Ordinance has as its purpose to provide for Fair Housing throughout the city, to assure that all persons have full and equal opportunity to consider all available housing for themselves and their families within the city without being discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, handicap, familial status, national origin, or military status and to promote a stable racially integrated community.
Also, included in the Fair Housing Ordinance was the creation of a Fair Housing Review Board to mediate any complaints of discriminatory housing practices.
For information concerning Fair Housing and anti-predatory lending questions, please contact: Housing Development Specialist, Angela Henderson at 216-443-7260
For Down Payment Assistance programs, please contact: the Cleveland Housing Network at 216-458-4663.If you are threatened by Foreclosure For FREE counseling and help to learn how to save your home, contact ESOP. ESOP offers assistance for homeowners facing Foreclosure on their primary residence. Contact your local ESOP office for assistance. Cuyahoga County: (216) 361-0718
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Phone Numbers
City of Parma Heights

City of Parma Heights
6281 Pearl Road
Parma Heights, Ohio 44130

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.